Yizheng Liao

I am currently the engineering manager of Data and AI team at Zip. I am also visiting Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Prof. Ram Rajagopal and Prof. Anne S. Kiremidjian) at Stanford University and School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (Prof. Yang Weng) at Arizona State University. Previously, I was a Machine Learning Engineer at Airbnb.

Research Interest

  • Urban System and Infrastructure System

  • Statistical Learnings

  • Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Infrastructural Health Monitoring

  • Distribution Power Systems

  • Change Point Detection

Recent News

  • Jun 2024: Our paper “Privacy-Preserving Line Outage Detection in Distribution Grids: An Efficient Approach with Uncompromised Performance” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. (manuscript)

  • Aug 2023: Our paper “Distribution Grid Line Outage Identification with Unknown Pattern and Performance Guarantee” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. (manuscript).

  • Jul 2022: Our paper “Quickest Line Outage Detection with Low False Alarm Rate and No Prior Outage Knowledge” is selected as Best Papers of 2022 IEEE Power and Energy Scoiety General Meeting. (manuscript)


Email: yzliao@asu.edu